
Agra reports 104 fresh Covid cases

Agra, Sep 24 (IANS) The Agra region continues to battle Covid-19 spread after in the past 24 hours, 104 fresh cases of the coronavirus were reported and one death.

The total number of cases now according to the District Magistrate P.N. Singh is 5,229. So far 4,153 have been discharged after recovery and the number of active cases stands at 956. Officials said 579 were in home isolation.

One doctor of the S.N. Medical college and three health workers have tested positive. Hospital authorities said there was a shortage of trained hands to cope with the pressure. More doctors were required, as a large number of senior doctors were in isolation.

Concerned over the rising graph, several market committees and the Agra unit of the National Chamber of Industries and Commerce have demanded a day-long lockdown every week to break the chain.

The Taj Mahal and the Agra Fort recently reopened after a 188 days break, but the response so far has not been encouraging, as hardly half a dozen foreign visitors were seen at the Taj on Wednesday.

Though permission has been given for entry of 5,000 in two shifts, the total number of visitors has not yet exceeded 2,000. But the tourism sector remains hopeful that as October starts, the number could pick up.

Soothsayers in the old Taj City say times are changing from Thursday, due to a reconfiguration of planets and stars.

Chairman of Vedic Sutram Pramod Gautam whose many predictions in the past have come true said, “From September 23, 2020, ‘Asura’s’ commander Chandal Chaya (shadow) planet Rahu is changing his position in Taurus in the transiting planetary orbit after one and a half years. We can say Dev guru Brahspati (Jupiter) is now free after one year from the influence of Guru Chandal yoga. This will be an auspicious period for the country.”

Gautam said the hold of the pandemic too will start weakening now.



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