
85-year-old woman among 5 new corona deaths in Mumbai

Mumbai, April 8 (IANS) The number of Covid-19 deaths increased by 5 in Mumbai, taking the total toll to 45, while the positive cases recorded the steepest hike at 106, totaling to 696, officials said on Wednesday.

Among the victims are 4 women, including an 85-year-old — the oldest among all victims so far — who died in Kasturba Hospital. A chronic asthama patient, she had been admitted on Sunday with fever, cough and breathlessness and succumbed.

The other three women — aged 46, 54, 59 — were admitted to KEM Hospital with identical complaints of fever, cough and breathlessness and succumbed to Covid-19 plus certain other causes like diabetes and lung ailments.

The sole man reported dead today was 64 years old and was admitted to KEM Hospital on Tuesday with fever, cough and breathlessness besides chronic diabetes.

The BMC is planning to designate its isolation centres for triage of Covid-19 patients as per clinical criteria into different categories — asymptomatic positive patients or suspects, symptomatic positive patients, and serious cases requiring advanced health management.

The civic authorities also plan to set up institutional quarantine facilities for more than 11,000 people in 24 wards in Mumbai, the worst-hit by Covid-19 in the country so far.



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