Top AdSense Alternatives For Bloggers In 2020

For So Many Reasons Bloggers Cannot Use Google AdSense But It Is No By Means That They Cannot Monetize Their Blog.

There is no denying that Google AdSense is the best ad network for bloggers, but, for many reasons, people try to find AdSense alternatives for their blog.

If you search for best ad network publishers, most people will agree on various articles, blogs, videos, and other formats that this is Google AdSense. There are so many reasons why Google AdSense is the best advertising network. From its high sharing revenue percentage with its publishers to its massive number of advertisers, from its unique technology to serve ads, it’s easy to place the ads, everything is perfect with it. That’s the reason Google AdSense has the number of ad publishers, as compared to others. Still, most of the bloggers prefer, Google AdSense over other ad networks.

Read: Why Google AdSense Does Not Approve New Blog Sites?

With AdSense, so many bloggers making a handful of cash every month. however, the earning opportunities from Google AdSense are narrowing down day by day. It is because AdSense is changing its terms and conditions for usage. Some people get disabled AdSense account for invalid activity, ignore the dangerous content policy of AdSense, and do so many wrong things.

Although most of the bloggers, website owners bloggers want to use it, they don’t comply with their service policy, or maybe some time break any rule, and Google banned him or her for that. No matter what the reason is, now lots of people are looking for AdSense alternatives for their blog or website. If you are also looking for some other options rather than Google AdSense, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we are going to talk about some best AdSense alternatives for bloggers, which you can use in your blog.

Division-D digital advertising:

If you are looking for an AdSense alternative where you do not need to put more maintenance effort and can generate a considerable amount of revenue, then Division-D may be a good option for you. This ad network offers a variety of cross-platform ad units. Division-D ad network provides you access to premium brands, new and innovative ad executions, high-level traffic monetization, and excellent customer support.

You get access to premium brands:

The division-D in-house sales team works directly with brands and agencies who are likely to run their digital campaign. That’s why you get access to lots of premium companies and advertisers. They perfectly manage a safe and useful environment between premium advertisers and publishers.

New & Innovative Ad Executions:

Division-D offers ad units beyond typical display and video ad units. They offer instream and outstream video ads, mobile, and audio advertisements. For the advertisers, they provide innovative and evolving ad placements to get high potential relevant clients to their business.

You get high-level traffic monetization:

As per your user behavior, the device they have been using to visit your site, you need to optimize your ads. Division-D digital advertising gives publishers’ strategic optimization to increase their revenue in changing situations.

Superior customer support:

On Division-D, you get an excellent day to day support any trouble you face.

Epom Ad Server:

Epom Ad Server might be a great option for publishers which offers different type of ads and has a wide range of advertisers. It is a cross-platform advertising solution that is perfect for publishers, advertisers, and agencies. It supports up to 50 built-in ad formats, and you can monetize your traffic of website as well as in apps. So many premium level advertisers place their ads on Epom so you can easily reach them by becoming a publisher in Epom.

Epom offers four types of main advertisements:

  1. Desktop Ads.
  2. Mobile Ads.
  3. Video Ads.
  4. In-app Ads.

Desktop Ads:

These types of ads are for desktop users who can perfectly get optimized. They provide standard banner ads that can be customized as per your preferences. With the Native ads, you can fill up your website feeds, and you can also customize the ad unit size. Infeed ads are perfectly embedded in the website layout for which it does not distract readers from your content. If also offers catfish and Postitial ads.

Mobile Ads:

For the mobile device, it also provides the same Banner, Native, In-feed, Catfish, Positial ads in different sizes.

Video ads:

In video ad categories it provides video sliders (where a video is embedded to the banner), In-banner video ads are ad units in different banner sizes where video ads are embedded inside. For the middle of the article, Epom provides an In-roll ad, which is a dynamic video ad. As per your preferences, you can place it in the most engaging place of your webpage. Another video ad you get is In-stream video ads. You might see it on YouTube while playing a video that an ad comes before or after the video. If you are an ad publisher and looking for ads to place on mobile apps, then the Epom ad server network has some best options,

PropellerAds display and mobile advertising network:

PropellerAds might be a great pick up as an AdSense alternative for bloggers. It provides multiple opportunities to make money from your blog or website. They have one of the most advanced monetization solutions. You can monetize both your website traffic as well as mobile traffic. PropellerAds is on the market for eight years, and 150k publishers are using this ad network to monetize their blogs or websites. Similar to other ad networks, PropelerAds provide so many ad performances. It provides, Push notifications, Onclick Ads, Widgets, Interstitials, Smart Links. Some features of PropellerAds are,

Global Coverage:

PropellerAds has advertisers from all over the globe, and they are from every category. So, no matter what type of visitor or traffic you have, you can monetize them with 100 percent relevancy.

Compatible with other ad networks:

Although you are searching for Adsense alternatives, it is an excellent benefit that PropellerAds is compatible with Google AdSense as well as the other ad networks. It will help you to diversify your earning sources by monetization.

Adblock bypass:

They have ads bypass adblocking software, which can increase 20 revenue.

Referral programs:

PropellerAds have a referral program, so whenever you invite any friend or someone else to use it, you can earn extra income.

Powerful tools and ad optimization:

It offers advanced tools to manage your monetization effortlessly. It has AI-based, flexible, and robust ad optimization technology to increase your revenue. Getting the payment from PropellerAds is so easy. You get weekly payments every Thursday, and the minimum threshold amount is just $5.

Bidvertiser advertising network:

Bidvertiser is a renowned ad network for publishers since 2008. Publishers have mix earning opportunities with it as Bidvertiser offers CPC, CPA, and CPM earnings. This quite similar to Google AdSense in terms of the type of ads they provide. They offer different types of ad units in different sizes like Display Ads, Pop-under, banners, sliders ads, XML Feeds, desktop, and mobile. Some features of Bidvertiser,

100 percent ad coverage:

For both mobile and desktop traffic, Bidvertiser offers 100 percent ad coverage so that your earnings could be maximized.

Revenue optimization technology:

They have a modern and robust mechanism that optimizes the monetization process to give you optimum results.


With the SmartLink URL, you can monetize your traffic by redirecting them to targeted places. Bidversier offers CPC based smart linking monetization.

The minimum threshold in Bidvertiser is $10, which publishers can take through Paypal, Bitcoin, Wire transfer, or Cheque. The approval for publishing advertisement also is very easy just to create a publisher’s account, and as soon as you create the account, you can put the ads on your blog. The pay per click rates start from $0.05 and depending on the traffic geolocation, and you can get $1 CPM rates. is the second most popular ad network just after Google AdSense. It is a contextual ad network and widely used by publishers across the globe. Do you not know about contextual ads? Contextual ad means it shows advertisements related to your content. For instance, if you are writing an article or blog related to SEO tools, and if you use ads, then advertisements related to SEO tools will appear to that blog. It is quite good because readers are often interested in the ad related to what they are reading. Whether you are a small, medium, or large blogger, you can be a part of advertising. It has lots of features like,

Good RPM: is one of the highest RPM providers to its publishers in the ad publishing network.

Intuitive dashboard:

It’s sturdy and informative publisher dashboard allows you to get graphical reports easily. You can easily monitor your ad performance with it.

Dedicated support for publishers:

Very few ad networks provide dedicated support to its publishers, and is one of them. After you are associated with publisher program, a dedicated account manager has appointed to you. They will provide you all the necessary particulars and information you are going to need for setting up the ads on your blog or website and how you can maize your ad revenue from it.

The flexibility of ad units:

You have lots of ad unit options to choose from. They provide ad units in different sizes and shapes. One thing is essential to know that if you are going to use and want to earn a significant amount of cash, you need a large number of US and Canada based visitors.

Earn money from Viglink:

For blog owners, an excellent option they have to earn from their blog is monetizing it with Viglink. Compared to other ad publishing networks, Viglink is a little different. It turns your outbound links to money-making affiliate links. When you use Viglink to your website, Viglink’s technology identifies which words can be converted to money-making links, and they turn them on affiliate links. It is an excellent technology you do not require to put Viglink codes to every page separately; It monetizes all your blog pages altogether.

To know in detail about Viglink and it’s a money-making opportunity you can read:

Earn Money From Viglink Through Your Blog

Getting approval on Viglink is very easy, and managing the process is effortless.

So, these are top AdSense alternatives for bloggers we think. But, different advertising networks have some unique features which might not work for every ad publisher. Also, as per the content, website niche, the earnings vary. But, one thing you need to pay attention that the advertising network who has the largest number of advertisers will be able to serve more ads to publishers.

Thanks for reading. To read more blog monetization related article you can read:

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