HappyForms WordPress Form Builder Plugin Features Overview And Pricing

Know About HappyForms WordPress Contact Form Plugin And See Is It Fit For You.

Do you want to improve your customer interaction through multiple forms? If yes, then HappyForms WordPress form builder is the best solution for your site.

The contact form always plays a vital role on a website. It helps you to build seamless communication between you and your visitors and ensuring a better user experience. As well as, it enables you to generate more leads to sales and understand your audience in a better way. Although creating a beautiful and attractive contact form is not an easy task. So, to solve this problem, many website owners are currently using different types of WordPress contact Plugin. Today in this article, we want to discuss HappyForms, which can be considered as one of the best WordPress form builder Plugin on the internet.

The Best Ways To Speed Up WordPress Site In 2020

This Plugin is extremely easy to use and it has included many pre-built components and customization options that can help a website owner a lot. Now below, we will highlight the HappyForms WordPress contact form feature; it’s overview and pricing too.

HappyForms contact form builder plugin features

HappyForms contact form builder is an all-in-one solution for your WordPress site. It will help you to create attractive forms very easily that encourage your conversions effectively.

It is developed and maintained by Theme Foundry, who know the WordPress space very well and have been designing themes with over 10 years of experience. HappyForms offers both free and premium options for its users. But if you choose the premium option, you will get so many impressive features at decent pricing. Below we are mentioning some of the main features of HappyForms.


Fast and easy to use contact form builder tool:

Its customization panel gives you a great experience with a quick and smooth layout that will transform your form building into fun.

HappyForms WordPress form builder has a wide range of form elements:

HappyForms WordPress contact form Plugin offers a wide range of form elements such as short text, long text, website link, email, multiple-choice, single choice, dropdown, number, phone, date, and time, address, scale, title, legal, rating, and placeholder. You can easily customize each element as per your needs.

Easy and customizable drag and drop option:

With the help of HappyForms free and user-friendly drag and drop functionality, you can create customizable single or multi-page forms such as lead generation forms, feedback forms, quote forms, survey forms, and many more.

Get appropriate analytics report with secure dashboard system:

HappyForms WordPress contact builder provides an easy and user-friendly analytics dashboard system. It will allow you to track submissions and get an overview of all form activity. As well as you can easily track the performance of your forms from the analytics dashboard. As a result, you’ll quickly discover which forms are performing best and which need a little more work.

HappyForms WordPress form builder has advanced filtering option:

HappyForms WordPress form builder offers you an advanced filter option, that will helps you quickly search and sort your responses by form, time, status, and device, so you never lose track of submissions. Moreover, along with every response, you can also see metadata like timezone, platform, IP, and language.

Honeypot and Google ReCaptcha spam prevention:

The super-effective and easy to use Google ReCaptcha integration is built right into the plugin. It helps to keep spams out of the door. As well as, if you don’t want to integrate Google ReCaptcha, then you can use HoneyPot spam prevention by default.

HappyForms WordPress contact form builder pricing and plans

HappyForms WordPress form builder plugin offers three types of affordable premium pricing plans Starter, Business, and Professional for its users. Both plans have lots of attractive features and benefits.


This plan will give you a 1year free update and will cost you $ 49 for a website. Some key features of this plan are,


This plan will give you a 1year free update and will cost you $ 99 for 5 websites. Some key features of this plan are,


This plan will give you a 1year free update and will cost you only $ 249 for unlimited websites. Some key features of this plan are,

Although both plans have some common features like; conditional logic, dashboard analytics, save abandoned responses, multi-pages forms, password protection, form date/time scheduler, log IP addresses, reCaptcha integration, and lots of more.

Finally, we want to say that if you own a website and want to keep your customers and viewers satisfied and happy, you can try out this plugin. You can click below to start a free trial of this plugin.

Get Started With HappyForms

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