Why My Google AdSense Revenue Dropping: All Possible Reasons

In This Article We Are Going To Share Some Best Possible Reasons For AdSense Earning Drop.

A lot of Google publishers face a typical problem with their AdSense earning, and all of them has the same query-“why my AdSense revenue dropping”?

Yes, Publishers indeed face lots of issues on AdSense earning. They start with the AdSense, do all the things perfectly but sometimes they face AdSense earning drop dramatically. There are lots of reasons behind that and below we are mentioning some points which will help you to understand and fix the issues. So let’s get started-

Avoid your invalid activity:

Google regularly monitors and analysis all clicks and impressions on their network. Their advanced technology always tracks invalid ads clicks. However, Google refunds all invalid activity costs to the advertiser. There are some common facts are depends on your invalid activity.

If you click or giving impressions from unethical users.
Automation clicking system.
You are provoking your audience to click on your ads.

Increase your mobile traffic:

Now, this tech-savvy world everyone is using their smartphones for surfing the internet. So, if your site is not optimized for mobile, you cannot get the real amount of visitor on your website. Besides that, this can affect your AdSense revenue. For this happen, you have to need to create your website with a fully mobile optimization system.

The influence of traffic sources:

Website traffic is an essential part of a website. There are mainly two types of traffic are on your AdSense earnings. One is paid traffic, and another is organic traffic. If you get malicious traffic, Adsense will decrease your earnings. Because sometimes bitchy traffic brings invalid activity. Besides that, you have to check the referrals you receive. If your traffic is generating from a source which is less inclined to your site content or ads, then it will influence your CTR. Always try to get social media related traffic on your website as it gives higher click rate percentages than another source of traffic.

Avoiding accidental click on your ads:

Google has stringent policies on ads placement. It always ensures the web users that they are not misidentified to click on ads incorrectly. According to AdSense Policies, publishers are not permitted to encourage users to click on Google ads in any way. You have needed very careful when you are placing your ad link.

Please ignore to place your ads on play buttons, download buttons, navigation buttons, game windows, video players, drop-down menus, or applications near advertisements because they might lead to accidental clicks. So, if you do this work on your site, Google will be banning your site immediately.

Search ranking drop:

Web ranking or search ranking is the essential thing of any website. If your website earns a higher place in the search engine, it will increase your AdSense revenue surprisingly. Besides that, a higher rank website always gets more visitor than a low-rank site. So, if you did not get the higher pace on search engine, your AdSense earnings might be fall on your expectation.

Wrong ad placement:

People earn from Google AdSense by showing advertisements on their site or blog, so the placement of the advertising plays a significant role in revenue. At one side if you place ads on wrong places, you will not get maximum clicks. On the other side, if you put ads on the wrong places, Google may penalize you. Besides that, it is a big reason for AdSense revenue dropping.

Some ad placements you should avoid are:-

• Ads On dynamic content.
• Ads in the pop-up and pop-under windows.
• Placing ads near download buttons.
• Placing ads under a misleading heading.

There are lots of more policies for placing ads. You can read them at Google Ad placement policies.

Fix crawling related issues:

Google has crawlers by which they get information about your site and content. Google AdSense crawlers, crawl to your website and show the most relevant ads to your content.

Robot.txt files give access to AdSense to crawl your site. It is very much essential to set up the Robot.txt files because relevant ads gain most CTR.

Declining the CPC of ads:

All the publishers must experience the CPC dropping at some times. It is natural, and it is not anyone’s hand. It entirely depends on the bidding of the advertisers. In what bidding they are advertising, Google shares 68% revenue of their investment with the publishers. Regionally on some special holidays, or any other purposes, CPC would below. It depends on seasonality.

Ad blindness:

Ad blindness is when people see the advertisement on your site, but they ignore them. It is a serious issue because you set ads on your blog, but people completely ignore it, and it doesn’t make sense too. To fight with Ad blindness, you can follow these below-mentioned points.
People often ignore ads because they get boarded by watching the same colored, designed, size ads. You can frequently change the size of the advertises. Make the advertises more exiting.

Thanks for reading. We think you get now the answer “why my AdSense revenue dropping.” We think if you follow the above things you would be able to increase your CPC or RPM. If you want to read more interesting articles on AdSense you can read: This 10 Facts Definitely Can Increase Your Google Adsense Revenue and 7 interesting Facts on why WordPress is better for Google AdSense.

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