Which Is The Best Blogging Platform For A Blogger And Why

We are discussing which platform is best for bloggers; read the full article to know more.

Lots of people are now looking towards blogging as it is a genuine way to earn money online. For them figuring out the best blogging platform is essential.

Now, for some people blogging is a part-time thing. They do other jobs or something else and write blogs as their passion. Apart from this, some do it professionally. They use it as a great career. Now we can find easily the people who have taken blogging seriously and do a great job now their life has been changed. Lots of bloggers are present who have started their blogging site just for their passion. But from their blog posts, they are now earning tons of money.

Looking towards to them lots people are coming towards blogging. But since after long time now getting the success from blogs are very tough. Approximately 2 million blogs are written every day, and currently, 152 million blog websites are now present worldwide. So the competition is so big. That’s why to become a successful blogger you have to focus on many things. One of the primary and foremost things is choosing the best blogging platform.

Now a lot of blogging platform for bloggers are available. Like:-

  1. WordPress
  2. Wix.com
  3. Blogger.com
  4. Tumblr
  5. Medium
  6. Squarespace
  7. Weebly
  8. Ghost, and many more.

These are the best blogging platforms used by most of the bloggers. But, all these platforms have their pros and cons. On some points Tumblr blog is better on some other Weebly blog is better. Some of them are a free blogging platform, and most of them are drag and drop type. But if you need to choose the best blogging platform among these, then we will suggest the WordPress. To say WordPress best, we have summarized some points, and we will discuss them broadly.  But before that, if you are not familiar with the WordPress, then you can read:– Clear Defined Idea On WordPress CMS.

There are lots of free blogging platform in the world of internet. Now we want to discuss why WordPress is best blogging platform among all others platforms.

Self-hosted Blogging:

When you are going to start a blog at first you have to choose the most important thing; that’s the Web hosting or server. WordPress CMS is one of the most popular open source software platforms. Which gives you own self-hosted solution among all others blogging software like Blogger.com, Tumblr, Medium.com, Squarespace, Wix, Weebly and lots of more. You can easily access with the WordPress self-hosted software. Today you may be a beginner at your site, and you have a few visitors. But in future, your website may be getting more popular and more visitors to your site. Then you need to upgrade your site. The WordPress always gives you a great opportunity and permission to upgrade or downgrade your blog website whenever you need.

Best Themes for Best Blogging Platform:

Themes and templates are very crucial things for a blogging site. Mainly themes are creating your site more interesting and eye-catching for your visitors. When you are choosing themes for your blog, you need to keep in mind the actual match with your topic. If you have more options, then you can easily choose your preferred items. The WordPress is number one popular CMS software which has a massive amount of free or premium themes. So, you can easily select or buy your best themes or templates from it. But when you go for the other blogging platform, you might not be able to get a wide range of themes or templates because they are not as popular as WordPress. It will be nothing more to waste your time.

Makes the Blogging Site SEO Friendly:

SEO (search engine optimization) is the most important things for any kinds of website. Without SEO you cannot achieve your goal. If you are a newcomer on blogging, then you may need to read The beginner’s guide to SEO for the better concept. For the blogging site, organic traffic is the main source to earn money online. And without SEO you cannot get organic traffic. WordPress CMS has ready SEO Plugins, which can easily integrate with your system and make your site SEO friendly. But other blogging platforms like:- Blogger.com, Tumblr, Medium.com, Squarespace, Wix, Joomla, Weebly and many more have not easy SEO Plugins system. Though SEO is not a natural process, it has many things included in this system. There are lots of free SEO tools in the internet market like- SEMrush, Moz, Ahrefs and lots of more. These types of tools really help in your blogging site to increase your SEO rankings and organic traffic.

Experience the AMP System for Blogging Site:

AMP means (Accelerated Mobile Pages) which is an open source initiative. It can improve your blog site faster to load for mobile pages. Today’s mobile-centric world everyone uses internet by the mobile so, if you do not integrate AMP system in your blog site. You cannot get your potential viewers for your site, and then you will be lagging behind your competitors. The AMP system also helps to increase your AdSense revenue. The WordPress blogging site has an automatic AMP integrated Plugins system. You can easily integrate the AMP system on your website. But others blogging site they have not available Plugins system for AMP or even if it is complicated to combine it.

Store and Provide your Data with Cache System:

Before we start we want to define you what is Cache clearly. Cache is a software or hardware component which stores your data temporarily for the future request and served faster. The quick Cache system worked by taking real-time including every page, post, category, RSS Feeds, etc. Caching system makes your blog site faster and more efficient; it also improves the performance of web browsing. To make this happen, your caching solution must need to use of combined with JavaScript and CSS. The WordPress has a super Cache Plugins system; you can easily integrate the system on your site. But others blogging site have complex and burdensome configuration Plugins system. So, if you want to integrate caching Plugins on your blog site easily WordPress is the best option other than anyone.

Below we are suggesting some Cache Plugins:-

Best Plans and Pricing for Your Blogging Site:

The WordPress is free and open source CMS (content management system), and anyone can download and use it. The WordPress has tons of free templates, themes, and Plugins. You can buy additional themes, templates, and Plugins from other blogging platforms at very affordable prices. Depending on your needs, you can easily choose your premium plan from WordPress.

WordPress CDN Plugins:

CDN stands for the content delivery network. All of the contents of your website the contents, JAVA files, HTML, files, pictures, videos stay on the server or hosting. What CDN does? They work as a group of servers situated all across the globe. Hosting and server are stays located in a place. Whenever a visitor visits your blog, your data shared to him from the server or hosting. The distance between the audience and the server might be so far. That’s why it may be the delay in sharing your data to the visitors. But if you integrate the CDN, then your data will host from the nearby visitor’s content delivery network. Now lots of CDN companies provide this service. As it speeds up your blog site, you can use a content delivery network to your site. But integrating that to your site is a quite tricky thing. You need some technical knowledge for that. Here plugins make your job done. When you choose the WordPress, you get the benefit that most of the CDN companies offer. Most of the companies have made WordPress Plugins by which you can easily integrate the CDN. With the other platforms, you might not get this opportunity because they are not as popular as the WordPress.

If you are a blogger and want to integrate CDN to your WordPress site then can choose from below where we are mentioning some popular plugins:-

Easy Availability of WordPress Plugins:

Plugins are a piece of software which can do lots of systematic works.  They are mainly accommodating for the people who don’t have deep coding or precise knowledge. Plugins are available for many purposes. If you run a blog, then you must know there are lots of stuff to do to improve your site overwriting. Some of them are database cleanup, Optimization JAVA, picture optimization, social media share and so on. So these positively impact your site performance. You need to maintain those things. But maintain those things might be a difficult job for you. So what you can do? You can set plugins for those works. The plugins will do the job. Again the point came up that WordPress is so much popular open source CMS. That’s why lots of plugins are available for WordPress. You might not get so many plug-in options on other platforms instead of WordPress.

Blog Monetization:

Yes, it is true that some people do blogging for their passion, but most of the people do it for earning some money. The most exciting thing is if you can make money from your passion then what could be better than this. At the first of the article, we have mentioned lots of blogger’s life has been changed with the blogging. The main income from blogging comes by monetizing your website with ad networks. Google AdSense is currently the best among other monetizing networks. You can read- Know Why Google AdSense Program Is The Best For Blog Owners to get more clarification on this.

As like all points when it comes to choosing the best blogging platform to earn money, WordPress wins here too. WordPress is a great choice to increase your AdSense revenue. We are suggesting you read- 7 interesting Facts on why WordPress is better for Google AdSense to know in detail about WordPress impacts on Google Adsense revenue.

WordPress Customization:

To improve your site, reducing the bounce rates sometimes you have to customize your blog. With the WordPress, you can easily customize your themes, Plugins, Custom JAVA, Custom CSS works, your blog’s header, background color, etc. WordPress provide ample options to customize. You don’t get so many options like WordPress on other platforms. WordPress is an open source content management system. You can customize everything in WordPress according to your preferences. One main reason for WordPress popularity is it’s easily customization feature. Though the other blogging platforms for bloggers offer custom features WordPress offers so much than them.

These were our thought, and we think for these reasons WordPress is the best blogging platform for bloggers. If you are a blogger or going to start your blog, we believe this article might help you.

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