Ramky Enviro bags CII 3R Awards for ‘Excellence in Waste Management’

Mumbai, India: Ramky Enviro, Asia’s leading environment management services wins the CII 3R (Reduce-Reuse-Recycle) Award for Excellence in Waste Management. The award was given to Ramky Enviro for the pioneering and impactful work done by them in setting standards and examples of how to responsibly manage and recycle plastic waste.
Ramky Recycling, a subsidiary of Ramky Enviro has achieved this benchmark in managing plastic waste.
CII under its waste-to-worth initiative has announced the 2nd edition of the 3R (Reduce-Reuse-Recycle) Awards for 2021, to recognize and reward best practices amongst industry, start-ups, and ULBs in order to set a benchmark of excellence in waste management. The company was evaluated and recognized for its Resource Management Strategies, Sustainable and Innovative business models, environmental and social Impacts/ Benefits, and its innovative plan.
Commenting on the win, Masood Mallick. JMD, Ramky Enviro said, “This is a great initiative by CII towards mainstreaming 3R (Reduce-Reuse-Recycle) practices and innovations. This recognition will encourage us and the entire industry to further innovate and adopt best practices and technologies in recycling and resource management. We are humbled by this recognition and we feel this is just the beginning in driving our circular economy agenda and progress towards achieving the nation’s SDGs and resource security goals.”
Indian industry is increasingly adopting responsible processes and innovative solutions towards Reducing, Reducing, and Recycling plastic & packaging waste, e-waste, and other wastes generated in industrial activities. To accelerate and further mainstream such practices, it is important to capture and disseminate best practices for others to follow and at the same time to recognize and reward industry, start-ups, and ULBs who have set benchmarks in (1) managing waste generated in by industry from their own activities (2) designing, developing products those will generate minimal waste at the user’s end, (3) managing Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), (4) managing plastic & packaging and e-waste through better EPR Strategies, (5) Innovative Solutions by Start-ups for Sustainable Waste management, and (6 ) Excellence of MSW management by ULBs.