
‘Trump’s job approval rating erodes among key groups’

Washington, July 7 (IANS) US President Donald Trump’s job approval rating was hovering near the low point of his presidency as core groups that propelled his 2016 run were dissatisfied with his performance in office, according to a new poll.

The latest Gallup survey released on Monday found that 38 per cent of voters approved of the job Trump is doing, down from his all-time high of 49 per cent reached in early May, reports The Hill news website.

The low point of Trump’s presidency came in 2017, when only 35 per cent of voters said they approve of the job he was doing.

Republicans were standing by Trump, the poll revealed with 91 per cent saying they approve of the job he was doing, up from 85 per cent last month.

But the president has reached new lows among independents and Democrats. Thirty-three per cent of independents say they approve of the job Trump is doing, a 6-point drop from the same survey in early June.

Only 2 per cent of Democrats approve, the lowest on record.

The disparity between Trump’s job approval rating among Republicans and Democrats is the greatest Gallup has ever recorded.

Trump’s job approval rating now is close to where one-term Presidents George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter were at this point in the election cycle, according to Gallup.

The Gallup survey of 1,016 US adults was conducted between June 8-30.



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