
JNUSU braces for hostel life at time of corona attack

New Delhi, March 17 (IANS) The Jawaharlal Nehru University Students’ Union (JNUSU) has objected to varsity adminstration’s advisory for hostel occupants to go back home in view of the novel coronavirus outbreak across the country.

“No students will be forcefully vacated. Knowing the fact a lot of students can’t afford to go back and also travelling also might lead to students being more vulnerable to the virus, Administration should provide proper residential facilities in the campus for whoever is staying back,” says the minute of meetings between JNUSU and it’s hostel incharges.

It also demanded that the administration open Health centre on weekends too. Students who have reported certain symptoms are been turned back by health centre and are not been tested just on the fact that they don’t have a travel history to abroad, claims the JNUSU.

“If any students feels to get checked, has every right to get the blood tested,” reads a statement.

A demand for thermal guns at the entrance is also being made. While it says, every Hostel committee will put awareness charts in Hostel, the JNUSU demanded that the mess and sanitation workers should also be provided with gloves, masks and sanitisers.

“One of the dormitory which is already vacant, should be declared as isolation ward. Rather than every Hostel having single rooms for isolation,” says the JNUSU.



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