Facebook Ads Vs Google Ads- which One You should Choose?

If you just wondering to bring your business online or promote it through digital channels, you might be confused between Facebook Ads vs Google Ads.

Not, matter how big your offline expansion is, if you do not have any online footprint yet, most likely you are missing many leads or opportunities.

Whether you have a brick-and-mortar business or a mobile shop or you own a coffee shop. Having an online presence is a must require thing nowadays. But new businesses often get stuck between choosing two of the most popular platforms; Google and Facebook. Big businesses do not have the worry between them. They usually have bigger budget and campaign expenses. But what if, you have a small or medium business? Typically small businesses don’t be able to campaign on both platforms. So, in that scenario, what will you choose Facebook Ads or Google Ads? Which one would be perfect for you?

In this article, we will discuss this.

So, let’s understand the topic with a brief description of both platforms.

What is Facebook Ads?

Facebook Ads is simply the advertising functionality to ads through Facebook offered by the company Meta(recently Facebook corporation changed their parent organization name to Meta). With over 2.7 billion monthly active users, it is no doubt one of the best marketing channels for business, and most businesses cannot help using it. Compared to Google Ads, Facebook Advertising is new but cannot be ignored its potential generating leads, sales, and most notably, creating brand awareness.

Where Facebook places your ads?

There are different places you can place your Ads. From the early days, Facebook embraced the changes required as per the generation and according to that, there are lots of places where you can advertise for your business.


The news feed is the place where you land after login into your Facebook account. Here you find all the updates and information.

In-stream video ads:

The era is of videos and no wonder people are more likely to watch videos than ever. That’s why people watch videos immensely. On the videos, you can place your ads.


Messenger is one of the most popular chatting features offered by Facebook. Billions of users worldwide use this app which makes it an attractive place to set ads.

Between short videos:

It seems like short videos are taking over be it YouTube, Instagram, or Facebook. Eventhough Facebook had introduced short video creation already now they are placing ads too. You can create a short campaign video and Facebook will show it while people scroll down to short videos.

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads is the world’s biggest ad network in digital mediums. Eventhough the tech giant has diverse earning opportunities now but, advertising through their channel is the main revenue generation source.

Where you can place Google ads?

Well, there are many places and third-party platforms that Google shows advertisers’ ads and promotes them. There are so many platforms by which you can promote your business.

Search ads:

“Search ads” is one of the widest advertising places that millions of advertisers use to reach their potential customers. When we search for something on Google, results appear. When you advertise your business through a search ad, it tops your result on the search results. That’s how you get customers to your website.

Ads on YouTube:

Video ads are now in high demand as people are addicted to videos and it also grabs high retention of users. As YouTube servers billions of hours of watch time of videos worldwide, it is an excellent place for advertisers to run video ads.

Google partner websites:

After the search and video ads, an ad which widely used by advertisers is the display ads. They are the most attractive banner ads in different sizes and shapes. These ads are shown on third-party websites whoa are joined as publishers to the Google AdSense program. These ads are used mainly to create brand awareness amongst people.

Apart from the aforementioned, Google shows advertisements for almost all of its products. From Gmails top maps, from Android applications to third-party search networks. However, you can choose according to your business where you want to place your ads.

Now, let’s come to the question,

Which is better for your business Google Ads or Facebook Ads?

technically saying, it depends on your business goal. How do you evaluable your results? According to your business strategy, different marketing channels and tactics will be fit. For example, if selling is your sole target you need to find people who are ready to make a purchasing decision. But if you want your brand to get more exposure, you need to reach a maximum number of audiences.

Why you should choose to Google Ads?

Google is the biggest search engine. Every second thousand maybe millions of people are simultaneously searching for something on Google. If anyone required any service or product, most likely he or she will go to Google and type the keywords to searches. If you are selling any product or service, and find someone from Google who is actually looking for your service, then what else could be better than this.

As they have the highest number of users on their platform, they have a huge database of users data. They show relevant ads to the people. Their state-of-the-art technology offers one of the highest ROI in the advertising industry. If you are selling any product or offering any service, you can set cost per action. That’s you only pay when getting the sale. The intelligent system accurately identifies whom the ads are to show and sets the bidding. But compared to normal manual bidding this might cost more because.

But one drawback many businesses find is that it is quite expensive. They show ads on an auction basis. According to the bidding, the places of ads go up and down.

Why you should choose Facebook ads?

If Google is the king of search engines, Facebook is the boss of social media platforms. Facebook has billions of monthly active users which make it one of the most popular platforms. Here you can show relevant ads by tracking user behavior and interests. Compared to Google Ads, you can run ads on Facebook at a relatively cheap cost. Marketing through Facebook is very very lucrative when you are likely to be aware people about your brand and business. Also, new users may find Facebook Ads handier to use. Just set your target audience, set up the campaign and you are good to go.

However, both platforms are good in terms of your business goal. On the side, Google has the highest number of direct paid traffic on the other hand Facebook has the highest number of users. But, the best thing you can do is invest a small amount in both advertising networks and then decide which is more suitable.

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