
A powerful digital voice for Indian art

<br>TAP India, a new collective platform, brings together these galleries to support, advocate and collaborate and generate more visibility, explore newer markets and open private doors to conversations. This union of art galleries has contributed, collaborated and constituted a vital aspect of this initiative. It furthermore, hopes to tackle challenges as a result of the current pandemic with galleries pooling in their collective energies, one step at a time to stand together as a strong voice to make Indian art accessible during the pandemic.

Blurring the lines between artists, galleries and collectors, TAP India intends to provide an unmatched window into the best of art. Whether you’re an avid art collector, someone who is thinking of investing in their first piece or simply a connoisseur of art; it will give you a chance to walk through what the best galleries in the country have to offer, and engage with legends in the field of art.

Virtual exhibitions curated by each gallery, will appear periodically according to a pre-set schedule. Talks, virtual events and curated online sessions every fortnight also make for a highlight. The platform will also focus on tips and suggestions from the industry’s best for existing buyers as well as budding art collectors.

As Sharan Apparao, Founder and Director, Apparao Galleries shares: “During the lockdown I realised we all needed a collective effort and that’s how the idea of this platform was born. The idea behind TAP INDIA is to have a one stop platform to collaborate and present a collection that is varied. It will certainly be a treat for collectors and those looking to understand more about what to buy. The site will have prices and direct access to a gallery of one’s choice. The information will also be available on TAP India’s social media platforms in addition to each gallery’s sites and social media handles.”

Anant Art’s Mamta Singhania says, “In these uncertain times, art brings hope and builds understanding across cultures. TAP is a great collaborative digital initiative where galleries present select collections of artworks. This makes Indian contemporary art easily accessible and engaging to new and remote art lovers across the globe. Anant Art is pleased to be a part of TAP and will be participating with recent works on paper by artist Probir Gupta.”

Participating Galleries include AkarPrakar, Anant Art Gallery, Anupa Mehta Arts and Advisory, Apparao Galleries, Art Heritage, Gallery Art Motif, Emami Art, Exhibit320, Gallery Espace, Gallery White, Latitude 28, Tribal Art Forms, Threshold Art Gallery and Wonderwall.

The initiative kick starts with the launch of the website It goes live on September 2.

<br>(Siddhi Jain can be contacted at


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