Wuhan clears all asymptomatic COVID-19 cases

Wuhan, June 16 (IANS) Wuhan, the capital of China’s Hubei province where the COVID-19 pandemic originated last December, has released the last three asymptomatic patients from medical observation after they tested negative in nucleic acid tests.

Wuhan’s health commission said on Tuesday that the city had no asymptomatic cases as of Monday, and there were no more close contacts under medical observation, reports Xinhua news agency.

The commission added that the three asymptomatic cases tested negative in two consecutive nucleic acid tests before being discharged from medical observation.

Wuhan launched a citywide nucleic acid testing drive between May 14 and June 1, during which 300 asymptomatic infections, as well as 1,174 close contacts, were traced and quarantined.

The commission said none of the 300 asymptomatic carriers were found to have infected others.

As of Monday, the city had no existing confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases.

As of Tuesday, China has reported a total of 83,221 cases, with 4,634 deaths.



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