Twitter Edit Button could roll out for Blue subscribers on September 21

Microblogging platform Twitter may be rolling out its edit button for public testing on September 21, as per the report. The social media platform announced earlier in September that it has begun internally testing this new feature. Moreover, it shared its plan to gradually release the edit tweet button to Twitter Blue subscribers over the coming weeks. Twitter Blue is a subscription service that provides its members access to premium features like ad-free articles. This service at the moment is only available in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the US.

According to a tweet by Casey Newton of Platformer, Twitter may begin the public testing of the edit tweet button starting September 21. He claimed that the feature will not be available outside Twitter Blue for now.

Moreover, Newton suggested that the initial rollout will be for Twitter Blue subscribers in New Zealand.

At present, content once posted on Twitter can not be tweeted. One has to delete the entire tweet and post it again in case of any typos or changes. With the Edit Tweet feature, users will be able to modify content after posting a tweet without deleting it.

Tweets can be edited a few times in the 30 minutes following their publication.“Think of it as a short period of time to do things like fix typos, add missed tags, and more,” the social media giant said in a statement on September 1.

Twitter also pointed out the edit feature was being tested with a smaller group of users to help incorporate feedback while identifying and resolving potential issues.

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