Telegram added 3 million new users in a single day after Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp all went down. It seems to be great news for the company.
According to Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, the messaging platform gained three million new users during the outage that affected Facebook services around the world. The main reason for acquiring new users is the disruption of Facebook and Whatsapp service. Pavel Durov also said, “I see 3 million new users signed up for Telegram within the last 24 hours. We have true privacy and unlimited space for everyone.” But they did not disclose the reasons or issues. And even they did not reveal how long it would take to solve it. Besides, they were regularly trying to update and modify their internal system. In the last month, it has introduced more privacy with clear history features.
To know the full news you can read:- Facebook Wants To Give Users More Privacy With Clear History Feature.
The features of Telegram
Telegram is more security providing messaging application than other messenger application. It provides a large amount of cloud storage to save or download the files. It also offers end-to-end encryption messaging service like Whatsapp. The app also provides end-to-end encryption for voice calls and optional end-to-end encryption for secret chats between two users. Telegram chat apps are available on Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, Windows Phone, and Windows NT platforms. The company reported that it had 200 million active users in March 2018.
Some key specification of the application
- You can add multiple phone numbers.
- Multiple profile pictures.
- Secret chats.
- Customization tools.
- Auto-night mode.
- Mute contacts and groups.
- Live location sharing.
- Proxy server.
Telegram makes money from users donations, and Facebook makes money from a targeted advertising model. Facebook collects user data to target ads at them, but Telegram does not follow any such practice. Last, of all, it is unclear if Telegram will be able to keep the new users enticed when Facebook and its chat apps are fully restored.
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