T-Series employee tests COVID-19 positive, office sealed

Mumbai, May 11 (IANS) The T-Series office in the city has been sealed after a caretaker tested positive for the novel coronavirus.

“We have recently found out that one of our own at the T-Series office has been tested positive for COVID-19. Some of the security personnel and helpers reside within the office premises since years did not get a chance to go back to their hometowns due to the nationwide lockdown,” said Bhushan Kumar, chairman and managing director of Super Cassettes Industries Limited, which owns the label T-Series.

The COVID-19 infected person is currently seeking treatment at a hospital.

“All employees of T-Series are like family and we have taken utmost care to respect this situation. While the person who has been positively infected is receiving the proper care, we have taken the government recommended medical steps to make sure that the office building is completely sanitised,” Kumar added.

“As law abiding citizens, we at T-Series have followed all rules of lockdown and are currently working from home as directed.We have always taken care of each other and in these trying times, we will strive hard to make sure that each and every person of the T-Series family comes out a winner at the end of this fight against the global pandemic” he added.



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