Special group to study community spread of Covid-19 in Chennai, if any

Chennai, April 29 (IANS) Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K. Palaniswami said on Wednesday that a special group will be set up to study whether there is community spread of coronavirus in Chennai and also detect their contacts.

In a statement issued here after chairing a review meeting of District Secretaries, Palaniswami said the teams to detect the contacts of Covid-19 patients will be strengthened and a special group will be formed to study whether there is community spread in the city.

He said arrangements for supply of essentials will be made for people in the containment zones in the city.

According to him, the District Collectors have to send a report to the government on the industries that could be allowed to restart, based on the level of Covid-19 spread there.

The Collectors will have to send a report on the number of migrant labourers in their districts and also ensure that the relief materials reach them.

The other decisions taken are:

* MNREGA work should be carried out maintaining social distancing and workers wearing masks

* Steps to contain the spread of coronavirus in red and orange zones so that they become green zones to be taken on warfooting

* Sanitisation of the containment zone twice a day and cleaning of public toilets thrice a day and sanitising them

* Ensure continued supply of food through Amma Canteens and community kitchens to about nine lakh persons daily

* Maintenance of social distancing norms in grocery/vegetable/meat/fish outlets

* Arrangement of mobile toilets in containment zones

* Increasing the number of mobile test labs to 10 in Chennai

* Testing of all persons residing in the street where a person has tested positive for coronavirus; tests on random sampling in that locality

* Supply of masks, hand sanitisers to those living in the containment zones and supply of immunity enhancers like Kabasura Kudineer



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