Salute Galwan martyrs, says grandson of Rasool Galwan (Special Ground Report From Leh)

<br>The valley was named after a local explorer Ghulam Rasool Galwan.

Speaking about the current stand off at the LAC, his grandson Mohammad Amin Galwan said he salutes the jawans who made the supreme sacrifice in Galwan valley while fighting with the Chinese PLA.

“War brings destruction, hope the stand off at the LAC is resolved peacefully,” he said.

Recounting the deep association the family has with the Valley he said his grand father was the first to reach the Aksai Chin area while trekking with the British in 1895 via the Galwan valley.

“On the way to Aksai Chin the weather turned bad and it was difficult to save the British team. Death was in front of their eyes. Rasool Galwan steered the team to the destination,” he said. “The British were happy and asked him what reward he wants, he said I don’t need anything but name the nallah on my name.”

He said it is not the first time China has tried to occupy it, but such attempts in the past were aborted by the Indian troops.

“China had in the past also eyed the valley in 1962, but our soldiers evicted them, even now they are trying to do this, unfortunately some of our jawans were martyred, we salute them,” Mohammad Amin Galwan said.

He said the escalation at the LAC is not a good sign and the best thing would be to resolve the issues peacefully.


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