Superstar Rajinikanth is the latest celebrity to receive the second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. The actor’s daughter and filmmaker Soundarya Rajinikanth took to her Twitter page and shared a photo of the veteran superstar getting his second jab. She shared the photo and wrote, “Our Thalaivar gets his vaccine Thumbs up Let us fight and win this war against Coronavirus together #ThalaivarVaccinated #TogetherWeCan #MaskOn #StayHomeStaySafe (sic).”
Our Thalaivar gets his vaccine 👍🏻 Let us fight and win this war against Corona virus together #ThalaivarVaccinated #TogetherWeCan #MaskOn #StayHomeStaySafe
— soundarya rajnikanth (@soundaryaarajni) May 13, 2021
A few days back, Rajinikanth completed the filming of his forthcoming film titled ‘Annaatthe’ in Hyderabad and returned home to Chennai.
Meanwhile, on the work front, his upcoming film ‘Annaatthe’ is directed by Siva and produced by Kalanithi Maran under the banner Sun Pictures. The film also stars Meena, Khushbu, Nayanthara, Keerthy Suresh, Jackie Shroff, Jagapathi Babu, Prakash Raj, and Vela Ramamoorthy in pivotal roles.