Rajasthan: Number of MNREGA workers jumps to 1 lakh

Jaipur, April 30 (IANS) The number of MNREGA workers in Rajasthan has jumped from 60,000 to 1 lakh in the last 10 days, according to Deputy Chief Minister and Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department Minister Sachin Pilot.

“Around 11 lakh MNREGA workers have been employed in Rajasthan, which has put the state on second rank in the country for employing the largest number of workers under the scheme”, said Pilot on Thursday.

Pilot said the department’s officials and people representatives worked day and night to increase the number of workers under the aspirational scheme in rural Rajasthan.

The wage rate has also increased as each worker now gets Rs 222 each day for his share of work.

In the wake of lockdown, the economic activities have come to a standstill. To breathe life back into the economy and to get rural economy back on rails, MNREGA can be a great platform, he said, adding “we hope the number will increase and more people in rural ares will get adequate number of jobs under this scheme.”

Pilot said 80 per cent of MNREGA workers are working on their own land, farm and home so that social distancing can be maintained.

“We have given masks, soaps, sanitisers to these workers so that they can work safely”, he said.



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