Partial shutdown in Allahabad HC

Prayagraj, March 18 (IANS) The Allahabad High Court has also opted for a partial shutdown in view of the growing COVID-19 scare.

The high court has stated that it will only hear urgent matters till further orders and only lawyers representing these cases would be allowed entry into the court premises.

The court also asked the state government to set up a laboratory in Prayagraj for coronavirus testing.

In a notification, the high court said: “In case, any lawyer or client is not present, the matter would be rotated with the same caption and no adverse order would be passed owing to the absence of the advocate and client.

The court said no gate pass will be issued to litigants and visitors and asked lawyers to advise their clients not to come to the high court unless their presence is directed by court or is unavoidable.

“The courts shall not insist for personal presence of parties unless it is unavoidable. Further, the personal presence, which has already been fixed are deferred,” it added.

All mediation proceedings shall remain suspended and proceedings in which date is fixed shall be posted for fresh date.

Besides, the advocates’ canteen, as well as Bar Association meeting halls shall remain closed till further orders, but their cleaning and sanitizing shall be ensured on daily basis.

The court has asked the Chief Medical Officer to ensure that doctors are deployed on each entry point of high court with adequate devices and if anybody is found showing symptoms of COVID-19, he or she would not be permitted entry in court campus.

The notification also requested judges to carry their personal belongings (spectacles, mobiles) themselves and to hand over the same to their personal staff.



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