Online entertainment a hit among youth

New Delhi, May 16 (IANS) A larger number of freshers, people below 25 years of age, and those in the age group of 25-45 year are spending more time watching TV/movies, playing games or on other online entertainment amid the ongoing nationwide lockdown to contain Covid-19 spread, according to the latest IANS-CVoter survey.

According to the survey, nearly 61.1 per cent freshers were found hooked to online entertainment, while 50 per cent of the ‘young’, the next category in the age profile, also agreed that they are spending most of their time watching TV or movies.

In the income group category, 55.6 per cent people in the middle income group are spending most of their time on online entertainment, whereas 53.5 per cent in the lower income group said they are not spending much time on online entertainment.

It is apparent that people in the lower income were caught up mitigating livelihood challenges, which emerged due to the lockdown. Yet, 39.6 per cent of the people from this category agreed on spending more time watching TV or movies.

Region wise, nearly 50 per cent of people in East, North and West India are spending more time watching TV or movies, while in the southern region, 34.2 per cent of people are doing the same.

Education group wise, 43.3 per cent people in the lower education groups are spending more time watching TV, while in the middle and higher education groups, more than 50 per cent of the people are spending time on online entertainment.

In the social group category, 70.3 per cent Christians, the highest in the group, are spending more time on online entertainment, while only 37.4 per cent Sikhs, lowest in the group, are doing the same.

Location wise, the survey found that 54.7 per cent of people in the semi-urban settings are spending more time watching TV or movies, while 42.6 per cent of people in the urban settings are doing the same.



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