Filmmaker Nagesh Kukunoor is set to direct a web series based on former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi’s assassination, titled ‘Trail of an Assassin’. It is based on Anirudhya Mitra’s book, Ninety Days: The True Story of the Hunt for Rajiv Gandhi’s Assassin. The show will be produced by Applause Entertainment.
Applause Entertainment announced the same today, September 6, on Twitter.
The banner’s post read: “Applause Entertainment greenlights a crime procedural – Trail of an Assassin (sic).”
Applause Entertainment greenlights a crime procedural – ‘Trail of an Assassin’.
— Applause Entertainment (@ApplauseSocial) September 6, 2022
Details regarding the cast, shoot locations, and release window are yet to be revealed.
Former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated on May 21, 1992, in Sriperumbudur in Tamil Nadu by suicide bombing.