The Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 has received an official price cut of Rs. 500 in India, according to the report. The company’s latest fitness tracker was launched in India in August 2021 as the successor to the Mi Band 5. It sports an AMOLED display that is nearly 50 percent larger than its predecessor. The fitness tracker is equipped with various health monitoring features including heart rate monitoring, sleep tracking, and blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) measurement. It is claimed to offer up to 14 days of battery life on a single charge.
Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 price in India:
The Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 now costs Rs 2,999, as opposed to its previous price of Rs 3,499. The new price is now reflected on the company website, but shopping websites, such as Amazon, are still showing the old price.
Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 6 sepcifications and features:
The Mi smart band 6 features a large 1.56-inch AMOLED touchscreen display. it has 450 nits of peak brightness and 326ppi of pixel density. The Mi Smart Band 6 supports up to 30 workout types. These include indoor training such as stretching, professional sports like cricket and gymnastics, and Zumba.
Other features include 24×7 blood pressure monitoring, heart-rate monitoring, and sleep tracking. The smart band also comes with support for SpO2, stress monitoring, a deep breathing guidance function, as well as female health tracking.
Xiaomi claims that the Mi Smart Band 6 delivers up to 14 days of battery life on a single charge. It has a 5ATM rating for water resistance.