March 22-April 14 to be treated under force majeure: Railways

New Delhi, March 27 (IANS) The Indian Railways on Friday announced that the period from March 22 till April 14 will be treated under ‘force majeure’ and during this period no demurrage, wharfage, stacking, stabling, detention and ground usage charge will be leviable.

In a statement, the Railway Ministry said, “The Ministry of Finance has cited force majeure — unforseeable circumstances — and has clarified that spread of coronavirus should be considered a case of natural calamity and the relevant clause may be invoked.”

It further said that the competent authority has decided that the period from March 22 to April 14 shall be treated under “force majeure and none of the charges for demurrage, wharfage, stacking, stabling, demurrage in case of privately/jointly owned stock, demurrage on parcel traffic, wharfage on parcel traffic, detention charge in case of container traffic and ground usage charge in case of container traffic shall arise for this period.”

Earlier in the day, the national transporter said the Indian Railways has ferried essential items in over 1.6 lakh wagons in the last four days.

“Of these, more than 1 lakh wagons of essential commodities were ferried by Indian Railways to ensure that the nation keeps running and the supply chains keep functioning,” the ministry said.



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