Kerala’s GIFT to assess Covid-19 impact on state

Thiruvananthapuram, April 6 (IANS) Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Monday informed announced that state-owned Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation (GIFT) have been asked to find out the impact of Covid-19 on the state’s economy.

“Already the State Planning Board has commenced its work and now GIFT will look into the loss of revenue and the expenditure impact that our state has suffered and will give its report,” he said after his daily coronavirus review.

Vijayan also said that the Karnataka’s border check post on the Kasargode border near Mangaluru, which was closed for all including patients visiting Mangaluru hospitals will now be opened.

“Those patients proceeding will have to carry with them all the medical certificates, which will be checked by the Karnataka medical team at the border. But our stand towards those patients coming from the border at Wayanad for both Tamil Nadu and Karnataka is very clear, all patients can come and today we had 29 such patients,” he said.

Vijayan also announced that very soon workshops doing repairs to two-, three- and four-wheelers will be opened, and likewise they also plan to see that shops dealing in mobile and such accessories will be allowed to open once a week.

“Tatas have informed us of their desire to set up facilities at Kasargode to deal with Covid-19 and their team will be arriving tomorrow. Likewise Mahindra and Mahindra have agreed to supply 1,000 kits for health professionals,” he said.

He also announced a relief to milk farmers attached to societies after reports surfaced their milk was not procured and was thrown in the drain.

“All will get a minimum of Rs 250 and a maximum of Rs 1,000 and those who are in isolation for Covid-19 will get a relief of Rs 1,000 and if there are any Covid-19 positive will get Rs 10,000,” Vijayan said.

He also clarified that the isolation/quarantine period is 14 days.



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