Kerala leaders mourn Ex-President Pranab Mukherjee

Thiruvananthapuram, Aug 31 (IANS) The political spectrum in Kerala cutting across affinities has only good words to recall former President Pranab Mukherjee, who passed away on Monday evening in Delhi.

Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said Mukherjee will always be remembered for keeping the Indian flag flying high across the world.

“He was a towering personality and was a hugely successful minister besides being a great parliamentarian. He was one who gave huge regards for Constitutional values and was always known for his secular thoughts and always batted for it. The country has lost a great human being,” said Vijayan.

The lone Keralite in the Narendra Modi cabinet — Union Minister of State for External Affairs V.Muraleedharan said the country has lost a great son, who excelled in whatever he did.

“His presidential term was spread over two different Union Government’s and he was an acceptable personality across the political spectrum. Even after his term got over, he was keenly associated with the development of the country and was working for it, till recently. Our country has lost a great son,” said Muraleedharan.

Former Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, P.J.Kurian, said Mukherjee was not a politician but a statesman.

“He was a statesman to the core and his knowledge of things was unbelievable and everything was at his fingertips. He was an acceptable person across political parties. He will be remembered as one of the architects of modern India and his commitment was a thing which all would always accept,” said Kurian.

CPI-M politburo member and State party secretary Kodiyeri Balakrishnan said more than a minister and president, he will always be remembered for how he controlled politics.

“We recall him as someone with whom we could always relate to and he was always the middleman between us and the first UPA government. He will be also remembered as someone who missed the top spot in politics,” said Balakrishnan.

Senior IUML Lok Sabha member and former Kerala Minister P.K. Kunhalikutty described the departed soul as a colossus figure, who succeeded in whatever he was assigned.

“When I was the IT Minister here, he came to see what we had done and was really appreciative of Kerala taking giant strides in turning digital. His passing away is a huge loss for the country,” said Kunhalikutty.

Thomas Mathew, who was Mukherjee’s additional secretary at the Rashtrapathi Bhavan described him as the most lovable and adorable personality.

“I am choking with emotions and I can speak for hours to recall my association with him. He was someone who used to behave so well with all, irrespective of the position. On his first State visit after assuming the top post, we had gone to Bangladesh and the reception he got was something to be seen,” said Mathew.

Another person who worked with him in the Ministry of Finance for two years and for five years as his press secretary was Venu Rajamony who said Mukherjee was a very tall leader.

“In politics, he won the respect of all including his adversaries and when he came to the Rashtrapathi Bhavan, it was he who opened it up to the common man,” said Rajamony, currently the Ambassador of India to the Netherlands.



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