Karnataka Minister Ravi tests corona positive

Bengaluru, July 12 (IANS) Karnataka Tourism Minister C.T. Ravi on Sunday said he has tested positive for coronavirus, the first Minister in the state to get the infection.

“In a week’s time I have undergone two Covid-19 tests; the first was negative but the second was positive,” said Ravi, who is also the Minister for Kannada and Culture.

As one of his tests was negative, he has undergone a third test and is awaiting the result.

On Saturday, the Minister said he had no corona symptoms and was fine.

“I am in home quarantine. I have no symptoms. I am okay. Now, I am walking in my farmhouse,” said Ravi.

Karnataka recorded 2,798 more coronavirus cases and 70 more casualties on Saturday, raising the state’s total cases to 36,216 and the death toll to 613.



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