Karnataka cheers corona warriors with claps, bells

Bengaluru, March 22 (IANS) Thousands of people across Karnataka on Sunday cheered the medical fraternity for containing Coronavirus by clapping, ringing bells and blowing conch shells for 5 minutes at 5 pm, as urged by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

“Thousands of people, including men, women and children from all walks of life came out of homes in cities and towns across the southern state, clapped, cheered and lauded doctors, nurses and paramedics for treating the Covid-19 affected patients in the country,” an official told IANS here.

Leading the applause to Corona warriors, Chief Minister B.S. Yediyurappa and his family members clapped loudly 5 minutes non-stop outside his personal residence in the city’s northern suburb.

“Yediyurappa thanked the people for their collective response to Modi’s call for expressing gratitude to the medical fraternity in containing the communicable disease risking their health and welfare. He also lauded the people for staying at home through the day as urged by Modi to observe janata curfew,” the official said.

Sounds of clapping, bells ringing, striking plates and blowing conch by the denizens reverberated across this tech city for over 5 minutes as many continued to do longer to break the monotony of staying home for 14 hours from 7am to 9pm.

Police personnel on duty across cities and towns in the state also joined the public in appreciating the medical community in containing the infection from spreading rapidly so far.

Hundreds of people living in high rise apartments across the city also stepped out of their flats and stood in balconies, clapped and cheered the unnamed doctors, nurses and the health staff for their yeomen service to the Covid-hit.



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