Mumbai: Actor and dancer Karan Khandelwal opened up and shared his bonding and friendship with his co-actor and onscreen brother Jeevansh Chadha. They are playing the role of Ayub Khan and Deepshika Nagpal children in Dangal TV’s Ranju Ki Betiyaan.
Sharing about their friendship and similarities, Karan says, “It’s great working with Jeevansh. He is an amazing co-actor. Since we are brothers on the show, I have bonded with him the most. Some of his habits remind me of myself when I was shooting Siddhi Vinayak. Like, he is always engrossed in his hair, constantly worried if they are looking good. I also had the same habit and still do. Since Jeevansh is new to the industry I get a chance to share some acting tips with him. For instance, when there is a scene where Vicky (Jeevansh) is leading, I suggest that he stand a little ahead. Another similarity between us is that we love gyming and often go to work out together.”
He also adds, “Jeevansh is a superb cook and makes delicious dishes for me. He is caring and is like my younger brother. Along with Deepshika Ji, I enjoy making Instagram reels with him. We have made so many videos and clicked so many pictures that now my phone is filled with mine and Jeevansh pictures (laughs). It’s great to have a good friend on set.”
We are happy that Karan has found a bestie in the show.
Ranju Ki Betiyaan is a heart-touching story of a single mother Ranju and her struggles of raising 4 daughters in a patriarchal society. It delves into the various societal issues faced by single mothers and will witness Ranju empowering herself to raise her four daughters single-handedly to help them achieve their dreams.
Catch Ranju Ki Betiyaan at 9.30pm only on Dangal TV.