IMA writes to PM, ensures support to fight COVID-19

New Delhi, March 18 (IANS) The Indian Medical Association (IMA) has written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi ensuring full support in combating the novel coronavirus disease, as total number of cases in the country crosses 150 mark.

The IMA wrote to the PM in response of his Tweet in which he lauded the efforts of the healthcare workers fighting against COVID-19, the fear of which looms large on the country.

A letter addressing the Prime Minister, dated March 17, said “Greetings from Indian Medical Association. We represent the doctors of modern medicine in India. Thank you for the encouraging message tweeted by you regarding the services and sacrifice of doctors, nurses and Health care personnel.”

The IMA letter further read: “Thank you for the encouraging message tweeted by you regarding the services and sacrifice of doctors, nurses and Health care personnel. IMA will be happy to get involved in any of sensitisation and training programmes of Government of India to fight COVID 19 epidemic.”

“Assuring you of our fullest support and cooperation in fighting this war, we are also in close touch with the National Medical Associations of the neighbouring countries as well as those of other different regions of the world. This effort is to share vital information and the best practices across the globe,” said Rajan Sharma, National President IMA in the letter.

The IMA with its 28 states, five Union territorial branches and 1,765 local branches and 3,17,000 members and the IMA Medical Students Network with 288 medical college units place their services before the nation and ensured to work with the Government at state as well as centre to protect the people at such times of grave Health emergency, he said.

The IMA has also initiated a 24 X 7 helpline in Hindi and English-9999672238 and 9999672239, functioning from its Headquarter in New Delhi. Manned by doctors over 200 calls were received from the country in the last 24 hours and the services are expected to intensify as the information regarding the helpline percolates further.

R.V. Asokan, Honorary Secretary General, IMA, said some of the health workers lose their own life in saving others during such an epidemic situation.

“It will be only appropriate that the Government provides both life and Health Insurance coverage for the above category of people irrespective of sectors for the COVID 19 epidemic. Though in itself this may not serve adequate for the loss of life or Health, this will certainly show the compassion and concern of the grateful nation,” he said.

In a series of tweets, on Monday PM Modi had shared people’s experiences and replied to them individually. He said “Our doctors, nurses, healthcare workers are putting great efforts. They are out there helping people we will always cherish their contribution.#IndiaFightsCoronavirus”

Of the total 152 confirmed cases reported from India, 14 people have been cured and discharged from the hospital while three lost their lives. There are at least 135 active cases of COVID-19 in India.



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