Defence forces salute Corona warriors in Chennai

Chennai, May 3 (IANS) The nation’s security warriors on Sunday saluted the inland corona warriors or the healthcare officials by showering flower petals over them from helicopters.

On Sunday morning at the Rajiv Gandhi Government Hospital and Tamil Nadu Government Multi Speciality Hospital, doctors, nurses and conservancy staff stood in an orderly line, maintaining social distance looking up at the sky.

Soon they heard the approaching helicopters of the armed forces which showered flower petals on them as a mark of salute for the selfless service.

The corona warriors at the hospital accepted the aerial salute by clapping their hands and looking up at the copters.

“It was an emotional moment for all of us to get the military salute. It was a high honour for all of our staff. The Navy gave a memento. The armed forces gave a gift hamper with sweets which were distributed,” Jayanthi Rangarajan, Dean, Rajiv Gandhi Government Hospital told IANS.

She also expressed her condolences to the bravehearts who lost their lives in Kashmir fighting terrorists on Saturday night.

As part of showing solidarity towards fight against the Covid-19, Dakshin Bharat Area under Indian Army distributed gift hampers to Government Hospitals, Military Hospitals, Police Stations and Headquarters, Corporation Office here on Sunday.

It is done as a mark of respect and gratitude to the warriors in the difficult times – healthcare professionals, hygiene and sanitation staff, police officials and corporation employees.

On its part, the Indian Navy’s two ships Sahyadri and Kadmat anchored off Chennai coast were illuminated to express gratitude from not only the Indian Navy but mankind at large, said an official statement.



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