Shimla, April 16 (IANS) Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur on Thursday said that coronavirus tests of all those directly linked with the Tablighi Jamaat and their contacts would be completed at the earliest in the state.
Also normal testing would be increased as rapid kits would be made available to the state soon.
Reviewing the situation here, the Chief Minister said the kits would also be helpful in testing those who want to return to their state. But people who are travelling owing to some emergency and carrying travel permits would be allowed during the curfew that will continue till May 3.
For this, screening centres would be established at all interstate barriers. He said temporary quarantine centres with at least 15-20 beds would be established near these centres.
Any person diagnosed positive would be shifted to the quarantine centres and would be checked for coronavirus with the RT-PCR test.
He said movement from designated hotspots would also be monitored.
Thakur said the state has authorised representatives of Panchayati Raj institutions to keep a vigil on the movement of people. The state will not even hesitate to take action against the panchayat ‘pradhans’ for concealing information regarding the arrival of outsiders.
The Chief Minister stressed the need for adequate stock of essential commodities in open markets and depots of Civil Supplies Corporation to facilitate the people.
He directed the officers that trucks carrying essential commodities and other material from other states should be sanitized at the borders along with the drivers and conductors.
Expressing concern over the people belonging to the state who are stranded outside Himachal, he said the government is in constant touch with them and the respective state governments have been requested to ensure their adequate care.
He urged such people to remain wherever they are as the government would ensure their early return as soon as the situation normalises.
He also asked the officers to explore the possibilities of establishing contacts between the farmers and the buyers so that they could sell their produce at remunerative prices. Also, smooth transportation of horticulture produce and inputs must be ensured.