CAA is bigger threat than COVID-19: Shaheen Bagh protesters

New Delhi, March 17 (IANS) Women protesting at Shaheen Bagh against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) feel that the CAA is a bigger threat than the novel coronavirus outbreak.

More than 500 women were sitting close to each other despite the coronavirus threat and advisory of the Delhi government. Neither is there any facility to wash hands nor have they covered their mouths with masks.

The women at Shaheen Bagh said it is the responsibility of the government to ensure their healthcare.

Sofia, a woman protester, said: “We have to fight the coronavirus as well as the CAA. The CAA and the NRC are more dangerous than the coronavirus so we will continue our fight. We won’t withdraw the protest amid fear of getting infected.”

“Mohalla clinics have been opened by the Delhi government at various places. If the government is so worried about our health, they should open a mohalla clinic near the protest site,” said Rukhsat another woman protesting here.

Noorjahan, a 54-year-old woman, said: “If the government is worried about us then why don’t they withdraw the Act. If they withdraw the CAA today, we will end the protest but till the government doesn’t take it back we will continue to protest even if we get infected by the coronavirus.”

The women protesters said they were ready for all sacrifices. We faced a lot of problems during the protest. We faced the winter chill and now we will face the scorching summer. The coronavirus threat also can’t stop us. Till the government doesn’t listen to our demand we will continue to fight, the women added.



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