Bus services between Ahmedabad, 2 other cities suspended too

Gandhinagar, July 13 (IANS) In view of the escalating numbers of corona patients in Gujarat, especially in its southern part, the Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation on Monday decided that it will suspend bus services between Ahmedabad to Bharuch and Vadodara too.

The GSRTC had, on Saturday, stopped its services between Ahmedabad and Surat, which has turned now into the new hotspot for corona. All the buses coming from south Gujarat to other parts of the state were also not allowed entry in Ahmedabad city and ordered to bypass the city.

The Gujarat government, following the Unlock-1 phase, had decided to resume bus services in the state, after a 2 months lockdown period. But as the health authorities achieved success in containing the virus spread in Ahmedabad, the situation deteriorated in other major cities like Surat, Vadodara, Valsad, and Bharuch.

Since a week, around 250 to 300 positive cases are being detected daily in Surat. Similarly, around 75 cases are registered in Vadodara daily. Apart from that, cities like Valsad, Bharuch and Tapi have also been registering high number of cases in the past couple of days.

Monday saw the highest spike of Corona infected persons detected in the state, at 902, taking the tally to nearly 43,000 while over 2,000 people have died.



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